Frequently Asked Questions
How are kindergarten places allocated?
Boroondara Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES) manage the enrolment process and provide a comprehensive explanation here as to how kindergarten places are allocated.
How old must my child be to start Kinder?
Your child must be 3 years of age before commencing 3 year old kindergarten and must be 4 years of age by 30 April in the year of attendance at 4 year old kindergarten. Children born between January 1 and April 30 may be considered ‘young’ in comparison to the other children in their year level (this applies to kindergarten as well as school) and there is a growing trend to delay entry by one year, to coincide with a later school entry.
For more information about kindergarten and school readiness, refer to Transition: A Positive Start to School Resource Kit.
Do they need to be toilet trained?
No, although you are strongly encouraged to have your child toilet trained before they begin kindergarten.
Can I defer?
You may defer your kindergarten position. 3 year old kindergarten requests for deferral must be lodged in writing with the BKCES by 30 April. 4 year old deferral requests must be received by the end of Term 1.
Do I have to live in Kew/Kew East to attend?
No, however if places are limited, precedence is given to families who live closest to the kinder - see the 'selection criteria' as set out by BKCES which apply to all applications.